The Huoshen Foundation aims to be a multidisciplinary platform for research and exchange of information and experience on body-based practices of youth and youth workers, trainers, teachers, educators, parents, therapists, counsellors etc..
The Huoshen Foundation focuses on the strengths of young people, and believes unconditionally in the – if not always visible – great openness, and the great potential for resilience of young people. The health education central for the Huoshen Foundation considers young people in their totality, as an integral whole of physical, emotional, (psycho-) social, and mental processes. This is a complex dynamics, which revolves around the own health, dealing with psychosocial and physical changes, and engaging in a dialogue with the environment (family, school, social context). To assist young people in this process, they should be supplied with tools (insights, behaviours, awareness) that promote a positive psychological, mental and moral self-image. The Huoshen Foundation aims to, via body-based exercises, contribute to this by making young people more aware of how they literally ‘feel under their skin’, and how they want to give direction to their lives.
To this end, we establish a few priority axes:
- the promotion of exchange and transfer of knowledge and experience between trainers, youth workers, therapists etc. (e.g. through intervisions, trainings, ….)
- the valorization of innovative aspects through research and training
- to encourage and support the actors in the field (youth workers, therapists, trainers, teachers, parents, …)
In this, we always start from the field, and in particular from the experiences and needs of the actors in the field.